15-20 Jun 2025 Oléron, France (France)

Welcome to CMiF25

Welcome to the 12th Complex Motion in Fluids Summer School, which will take place from Sunday 15th June 2025 to Friday 20th June 2025 on Oleron Island, along France's western coastline. The school is organised by LadHyX (CNRS & Ecole Polytechnque, F)  in collaboration with the University of Cambridge (UK), the University of Twente (NL), and the Technical University of Denmark (DK).


At the summer school, each invited lecturer will give a 90-minute lecture on a topic in fluid dynamics at an introductory level for PhD students and a 60-minute lecture on their current research.


Registration fees are fixed to 880€ VTA included and cover full-board accommodation for five nights starting on Sunday June 15th in the evening (housing in shared beach houses, full meal and extra-activities).

To apply and register, you need to login to sciencesconf.org (you can create one if you do not already have one).

Interested applicants should pre-register before the deadline through the link ("my registration") available once logged into sciencesconf. Posters + flash talks contributions are encouraged and can be submitted at the same time through the "My submission" link.

The deadline for submitting an application is February 28th, 2025.

Once applications have been reviewed, accepted  participants will be contacted in a second step regarding the online payment of the registration fees before the end of March.



Local organisers (LadHyX):

Christophe Clanet

Christophe Josserand

Sébastien Michelin

Scientific committee

Tomas Bohr (Technical University of Denmark, DK)

Henrik Bruus (Technical University of Denmark, DK)

Eric Lauga (University of Cambridge, UK)

Detlef Lohse (University of Twente, NL)


If you have any questions, feel free to email Christophe Josserand (christophe.josserand/at/polytechnique.edu)

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